You have decided to build a swimming pool in your backyard, but you aren’t quite sure where to begin.
360 Exteriors is here to help!
The best way to begin is by addressing these three questions: how big, how deep, and what shape? To build an inground pool that fits your lifestyle and home, answering these questions will put you on the right track. That is because pool size, pool depth, and pool shape lay the foundation for many additional, smaller pool design choices to come.
What size should my pool be?
Selecting the ideal dimensions for your pool typically depends on three criteria: planned pool use, project budget, and available outdoor space. First, think of who will be using the pool and how often. Do you have kids? If not, will family and/or friends with younger ones be coming over to swim? How often is the pool going to be used, and for what activities? All of these questions and many more can help you and your custom pool designer answer the question of what size your pool should be.
How deep should my pool be?
As with size, your pool depth will depend on how you and your family plan to use your pool. Is anyone going to be using the pool that swims laps, whether it be for exercise or training? If so, pools typically require a consistent minimum depth of 4 feet. Do we have any divers in the house? Diving boards require a pool depth of at least 8 feet, and this may be deeper depending on the type of board.
What shape should my pool be?
Your typical backyard pools consist of a shallow end on one side that transitions to a deep end on the other. However, in recent years the popularity of “deep-end” configurations has grown popularity. Today, a favorite option includes a shallow area at each end and a deeper section in the middle. But even this center “deep end” may run only 5 or 6 feet. This approach delivers a more usable area where people—especially children and older adults that may not be the strongest swimmers—can stand up in the water.
Another depth strategy is an “off-set shallow end” pool. L-shaped pools are great for this concept. Typically, the deep end is on the long side of the L-shape, and the shallow end is on the short leg of the L-shape. In the short leg, build shallow to create a play area with steps that people can use while someone else swims in the long, deeper stretch of the pool.
The shape of your pool may affect the different ways you can use your pool. When your designer understands the kind of shapes you find aesthetically pleasing, they can help you narrow them down or modify your favorite to accommodate your other goals—including pool size, depth, and shape. Initial choices may impact others, and you may have to alter to accommodate a need or desire related to another preference. 360 Exteriors knows the pool design process can change a few times, but we are here to give you 100 percent what you want. Give us a call today to schedule your custom design consultation –(702) 966-0138